
SSL for the clueless.


SSL for the clueless.

SaaS Screenshot


Ah, an API to automate SSL certificates for custom domains. Because apparently, managing your own SSL is just too 2020. I mean, why bother with the old-fashioned way when you can just outsource every bit of tech work to yet another subscription? Just what the world needed: a service to make copy-pasting DNS records feel like rocket science innovation.


Offering dedicated clusters, API calls, and dashboards with all the excitement of a Monday morning. Just point an A record and voilà? Sounds positively thrilling—like waiting for paint to dry but with more DNS entries. Their 'self-healing clusters' sound as confident as that friend who 'will definitely quit smoking next week.'

Brand Identity

Approximated. The name suggests it's not even sure of itself! Sounds like your friendly neighborhood AI trying to convince you it's totally capable. Let’s add some edge sequences and blocks of text because what better way to say 'trust us, we're tech-savvy' than a metric ton of jargon?


The design screams 'Ikea instruction manual' meets 'Enterprise blandness,' with a color palette as thrilling as a dentist's waiting room. And those CTAs? Red buttons on a white background—truly revolutionary! It's like they found the perfect medium between barely noticeable and totally ignorable.


A bargain at 20 cents per domain, but don't forget that spicy little $20 minimum. And who wouldn't be tempted by the thrill of guessing your bill with all those volume discounts? It's practically a steal—or maybe just embezzlement of your sanity.

Final Thoughts

Approximated is here to remind you that you can, in fact, complicate simplicity. Because who doesn't want to pay someone else to connect the dots on a connect-the-dots page? Truly, a vision from the future of lazy dev ops.

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