
Catch-all podcast mentions database.


Catch-all podcast mentions database.

SaaS Screenshot


Ah, finally, a must-have tool for those who lose sleep over missing their brand's shout-out on a random podcast. Now you can hyper-analyze irrelevant mentions across 18 bajillion shows!


Media monitoring turned up to 11—because what’s more important than aggressively searching thousands of hours of people talking?

Brand Identity

Oh, 'Podscan'—the brand that screams innovative uniqueness just like a dozen other slightly similar logos.


Minimalism strikes again! As bland as possible, so the amazing excitement of 'keyword detected' can shine through.


You pay for the existential dread of missing a mention—because truly, what's the price on paranoia?

Final Thoughts

Podscan, because normal stress levels are overrated and you’ve got a marketer's masochism to indulge.

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